Saturday, July 2, 2011

On-Set Source Confirms Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox Hookup

Earlier this week, Shia LaBeouf confirmed what the tabloids have been saying for a couple of years: he and Megan Fox had a fling on the set of “Transformers.” An on-set source is also stepping up to stress that Shia is not lying.

Though becoming intimate with the world’s (former) most beautiful woman is definitely not something to be ashamed of, Shia has always said that he never even come close to hitting on Megan, let alone actually bed her.

All that changed in his Details spread, in which he said for the first time that they had a “thing” on set. A source is now confirming that, Us Magazine reports.

“[Shia and Megan] bonded while filming,” the spy says, adding that this was rather the result of director Michael Bay being evil incarnate on set, rather than of mutual attraction.

“Believe me, that was an unhappy set. I think they were drawn together because it was so ugly working on that film,” the spy says.

When asked by Details whether Megan was not with now-husband Brian Austin Green at the time they hooked up, Shia claimed he didn’t know, thus leaving room for interpretation that Fox may have cheated on her man with himself.

Not so, says the unnamed tipster: the fling she had with Shia occurred precisely when she and Brian were on a break, before they reconciled and got engaged.

“It was when Megan and Brian broke up. They had a 10-month break before getting back together,” the insider stresses.

The same source also goes to great lengths to prove that Fox wasn’t “fired” from “Transformers,” saying that she simply “had enough and quit.”

The other day, at the NYC premiere of “Transformers: The Dark of the Moon,” Shia tried to make amends for his previous comments, saying he should learn to censor himself, gossip blogger Perez Hilton informs.

“I just turned 25 and I’m learning how to edit myself and say no comment now,” he said when asked about the fling with Megan Fox. 

View the original article here

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